Dayton Truck Tires Responsive Site
In early 2013, I was chosen to lead the development of a responsive, single-page site for Dayton Truck Tires.
Lead developer; Senior frontend developer
jQuery, Handlebars, Enquire, Swipe
IE8+, Modern Desktop, Android 4.0+, iOS 5.0+
Build a static responsive site using HTML5 and CSS3 with graceful style degradation and polyfills for legacy browsers.
Development SpecificsTire data is loaded from XML files and rendered in the view using a set of Handlebars templates.
Using Enquire, register a size breakpoint event that will fire regardless of browser support for MediaQueries. When the viewport width is below 600px, setup a Swipe carousel component that replaces the 4-up tire selector.
A fast loading, informative website that works great on both desktop browsers and mobile devices.
See it in action below.
Note: As of Dec 2014, the current Dayton Truck Tires website no longer reflects my work.